Little Stories Project
A collection of honest and moving personal stories about living through coronavirus in the UK
Click the image to read the story
Add your own story (anonymously) here
We all have something
to contribute
The Little Stories Project is a collection of personal stories about what it’s like living through the coronavirus in the UK.
These aren't news items - they're thoughts and feelings sent in by people like you.
The coronavirus has presented us with one of the strangest moments in our living memory. Life has changed a lot in a short space of time, for everyone.
I'm a documentary maker who wants to build up a collection of (anonymous) stories that go beyond the news we’re reading every day - and get to the heart of what’s important to us all.
So, I'm asking you to send in your 'little stories' - you can write anything down (have a look at the stories so far for some inspiration). The little stories you send in will add up to paint a bigger picture of how our country is thinking and feeling in this weird time - something we can look back on when this is all over.
To contribute to the Little Stories Project, all you need to do is fill out the form below. Tell me what’s happening in your world now the coronavirus is here - and how you feel about it. I’ll share your story here and on our social media, so that other people like you can get something out of it.*
Your little story could be anything - how your daily routine has changed because of the coronavirus, how you're feeling right now, or what other things are going on in your life despite everything.
It can be as short as you like, it just needs to be personal to you.
Sharing your story could help bring us all together.
Share your story here
Use the form below to share your story, and add it to the project.
You can come back and post as many times as you like.
*Please remember not to include any names or identifying details (e.g. the company you work at). Your story may be published online, in print & on social media as part of the project, so please don't write anything here you wouldn't be comfortable seeing online.
About me
I'm Dan (31) and I live in London. I make documentaries but right now I'm in lockdown, obviously. I've played a lotttttt of Monopoly. Since we're all here, I thought I'd start trying to do something helpful. My dog Pip is helping, too.
Any questions? Email me at: